
Скрап "Изморозь"/ Kit "Iced beauty"

Всем привет!
О! Наконец-то я закончила свой скрапик. Последние 2 недели я только и занималась заморозкой.......хи-хи....... веточек, розочек........ ага, ещё и на работу не забывала регулярно ходить! Так вот представляю Вам свой новый наборчик "Изморозь" и очень жду Ваших комментов!

Oh! I have finished my new scrap "Iced beauty". The last 2 weeks I had icy job............o-lala......... I iced leaves, roses........... So, here is the presentation of my new kit and I'm waiting for your comments!

6 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

thanks so much for this icy kit!

amsangel комментирует...

This kit is gorgeous, I LOVE it!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us!

Barbwire комментирует...

I love your kit, but the zip file for the papers was corrupted. I could only extract two of the lovely papers even after downloading it more than once.
Thanks for the rest of the kit though, it's very nice.
Happy Holidays

Aneta комментирует...

Barbwire, I'm sorry for that! I had the same problem with the same file 2 times. So, today (today is my day ;0)))))))I replaced the file "papers" on 4shared.com. Please, try once more and give me know about your downloading!
Enjoy your scrapping!

irishkathy комментирует...

Thank you so much for the beautiful kit. You are very talented.

Mary комментирует...

beautiful kit
thank you